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Favorite Yasi Products

Favorite Yasi Products

I was gonna title this favorite baby products but things I might have liked when Zoey was a baby and I was a brand new mom, compared to now with Yasi some things are just completely different. Being a new mom is HARD AS FUCK but to be honest there is no right product or right way of doing stuff. These are products that work for ME as a mom and that might be completely different from what you like or need. Again I have FOUR kids I have learned by simple trial and error, and that is my best parenting advice: Trial and Error! And guess what what you might consider an “error” is probably perfectly fine and also it is a BABY so they won’t know if you tried the wrong diaper, bottle fed instead of breast fed, or put the damn onesie on backwards only snapped one time. At least 2 maybe 3 of my kids have fallen off a bed, was I very upset YES are they all brain damaged NO! So my friends TRIAL AND ERROR it is ok, I think the worst thing you can also do is have expectations of how everything SHOULD be because again you will learn what works best for you, let lose enjoy your baby good and bad. Because newborn phase is actually the easy part my friends!

  1. Now this is a major MAJOR splurge I have never bought anything this expensive for a baby EVER but one thing I do know is I will use a stroller. End of story you will use a stroller up until they’re at least 4 years old. So cost per use this definitely seems worth it. I did a lots of research and read a whole lot reviews, even bought one stroller and returned it because it did not have the things I wanted. Things I look for: easy to push, basket space underneath, and a cup holder for mama’s coffee! Also one of the things I was excited about was the stand attachment I can add to the stroller that can be used by the twins on trips!

  2. Now again FOUR kids I have tested and used every diaper there is (besides reusable ones, again could be your thing but definitely not my thang). Huggies I have never been a fan of, always leaked but definitely know plenty of people who like them. Pampers were fine too, but NEVER do the “stay dry for 12 hours” or “12 hour leak proof” because that is unnatural your baby should never be in a diaper that long. Made the mistake of getting those on our first airplane ride from east coast to west coast for the twins, ended up with horrible rashes and cleaning off poop in a airplane bathroom with a screaming crying kid because of the rash it gave her. Target brand use to have good diapers when Zo was a baby but when I had the twins I could tell they had changed and they sucked. Honest brand definitely nothing wrong with them just weren’t my favorite but still a good diaper. Luvs were my favorite for the twins and for Zoey! They have a good smell to them and never had any leaking problems. PARASOL is my new favorite! I think they are absolutely the best you can get, they’re organic and Yasi rarely leaks. I decided to do the subscription and so far I do not have any leftover diapers, but you can also buy smaller amounts on Amazon if you want to give them a try!

  3. I had heard about this and decided to give the Dockatot a try! I am not saying it is life changing but I did think it was worth the buy especially with co-sleeping and just moving it easily around the house for Yasi to sleep.

  4. I am a sucker for camo print I don’t know why maybe it is my love of the color green. But this is the Herschel diaper bag I used for Yasi they do not sell it on Nordstrom anymore but they still have the camo diaper changer. I thought the bag was GREAT for all the stuff you first need for a newborn it can fit it all plus all the stuff you need for mama after just having baby! And Q definitely was not embarrassed to carry it around. Also being hands-free is a wonderful thing this has a shoulder strap and can be a cross-body which is perfect!

  5. Maybe not everyone does but I know for at least all of my kids I go through multiple diaper bags depending on what baby needs and what I need and that just changes over time. So Yasi does not need as much stuff when we go out but I still need to pack some stuff for him and stuff for the girls. I now use a Fjallraven backpack, my number one reason for getting it? It is water proof and living in Seattle I think it is perfect (contrary to popular belief it does not rain as much as everyone thinks it does!!!! I believe Seattle does not even make top ten for rainiest places, look it up) so far it has been living up to mommy and multiple kid life.

  6. I have talked about it before but this baby carrier is great!!! Yasi will be one soon and I still carry him in the carrier I have NEVER been able to carry any of the girls for that long because I always got horrible back pain but so far this one I haven’t had any problems. So again it is pricey but cost per wear I think I have tripled in use what it is worth!

  7. I love Star Wars both me and Q do. We have had plenty of movie marathons watching them. I saw this Star Wars blanket and fell in love. Then when I got it I fell even more in love! The quality is so so great, soft and cuddly on one side and nice detail and design on the other. Definitely kept Yasi very warm as the football games have become colder and taking walks it has been perfect covering him up.

  8. My girls have never really had diaper rashes, I really only remember Zoey having a bad one once. I do not know if it is because of the moisture in the air in Seattle or Yasi just has more sensitive skin, but he definitely gets quite a few diaper rashes. I decided to try this diaper cream out and I swear by it!! You literally could put small little pea size drops and by tomorrow the rash is all gone!

  9. This is a sunscreen I decided to try out for this summer! Yasi’s first time in the sun and I believe Seattle has turned me into a hippie where I want all natural and just good quality products I don’t know but either way I liked this sunscreen because it was mineral based and it also rubbed in easy. Fun fact the bottle changes colors in the sun!

  10. Yasi was born with his tongue connecting more underneath (don’t know/remember the medical term for it), the pediatrician told me he would outgrow it so nothing to be too concerned about they did tell me it would probably be harder to breastfeed. Long story short I tried out all these cute new bottles that are out here Comotomo, Avent, and Dr. Brown (which I even had a nurse tell me to get because of his short tongue!!! I had used Dr. Brown before with the twins they’re great but literally a million pieces to put wash and then put it back together Q was always so confused by it) all of those are fine but you know what Yasi liked best and I should’ve just went with what I trusted and knew worked great Nuk bottles! I have used them for all my kids now and all of them have loved them. A lot of bottles have straight nipples for baby to feed, last time I checked my own personal nipples aren’t sticking straight out 2cm perfectly especially after 3 kids :) but these nipples for the bottle are more round I also really like them because they can go from bottles with the regular nipple to sippy cup without having to pay for a whole bunch of new cups/bottles.

  11. Talked about these before but I really love these straw sippy cups! Yasi again has a short tongue and I knew that straws are better for oral development compared to a regular sippy cup. And since he did not have good luck with the straight nipples I thought a straw would work better for him and so far it has and he has done great with it!

  12. This one is just a cute robot toy that I really loved and Yasi really loved! It was just so great cause it had so many things on it to keep baby entertained: mirror, links, swiveling head, and noise. I originally had gotten it from Target but since they revamped all the toys they sell I found it on Amazon!

Some other thangs/products I have never found the golden one that I love is a carseat! I did like my carseat/stroller set made by Evenflo but the carseat is really heavy and the stroller part was hard to maneuver so I liked it because you could either put the carseat into the stroller base, or you could add a piece that baby could lay down in or he could sit up in as he got older. So I liked it but didn’t love it! I will say it was a lot like some of the very expensive brands that are out there but half the price!!! And I had a friend tell me she had one of those really expensive ones and it was super crappy and did not even make it to her daughter turning one. Overall the best brand for carseat I have used for Zo as a baby and then the twins Graco convertible carseat that they now have turned into booster seats.

This will probably be an ongoing list so feel free to check back and see what has been added!

Also remember friends TRIAL AND ERROR TRIAL AND ERROR!

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